How to Pick the Ripest Watermelon

     How to Pick the Ripest Watermelon

                         By Makou Lin

         As Lake-Sumter College finishes off a new spring semester, the summer heat quickly approaches. Staying hydrated and cool will be on every LSSC student’s priority list. What better way to do so than picking a ripe, juicy watermelon!
Essentially, picking the ripest watermelon is key in beating the summer heat and enjoying the season. Here’s some tips to find the juiciest watermelon around:
        Tip 1) Avoid the Pre-Cuts.
Reducing the usage of non-biodegradable plastics, by avoiding pre-cuts, helps the planet stay green and pollutant-free. While earning more for each buck, as pre-cuts are more expensive compared to buying whole watermelon. The cost for buying pre-cuts is not worth it!
         Tip 2) Flick the Watermelon.
One of the most important tips to watermelon picking is listening. Watermelons have this unique sound that vibrates its ripest. By gently flicking the rind (hard outer surface) of the watermelon and listening for a deep hallow sound. It indicates pure ripest while a dull shallow sound means the interior is mushy. Get to flicking!
        Tip 3) Find the Yellow Spot.
The field spot, as farmers call it, is a splotch on the watermelon that develops in color from a pale white to a creamy yellow. Located on the underbelly of the watermelon, a creamy yellow coating indicates a developed, sweet watermelon. While a pale white suggests that it’s not the sweetest around. Don’t miss out.
        Tip 4) Pick the Unbruised Watermelon.
Watermelons may be hard, but they aren’t invincible. They still have feelings, and they do show. Watermelons with giant scarring or non-uniform patterns may indicate interior damage, leading to a mushy texture. Picking the most uniform watermelons without the war marks, will lead to the most satisfying watermelon behold.
Now get out there and visit the Local Farmer’s Market! Fresh produce every morning and lots of vitamin D, take summer and conqueror it with watermelons! Enjoy the summer and stay cool, LSSC Students!

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