What is the Best Way to Live a Happy Life?

By Renata Gomes Martins

The Face with Tears of Joy emoji is the number one most used emoji in the world, according to Apple Inc. Happiness seems to be what we all want to convey; however, do we really know how we can be truly happy? Research shows that the happiness formula is rather simple.
These intriguing questions have been analyzed by psychologists for decades, and Shawn Achor, Psychologist and lecturer at Harvard University, has found the answer. According to Achor’s research, grateful and positive attitudes lead to happiness, which means that the best way to be happy is to be grateful. The idea is simple; we must stop focusing on what we don’t have, and instead, appreciate what we already have.
Thus, to start adjusting your perspective, simply write down three new things for which you are grateful each day. Achor has found that this simple task changes your brain’s chemistry and allows you to look at the world positively. Really, it is just that easy. Gratefulness is the secret to true happiness. So get your journal and reflect for a moment. What are your three reasons to be thankful today? You will be surprised with how much there is to appreciate.

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